Prescription Drug Benefits

Impending Loss of Prescription Drug Benefits

State of Maryland Retiree Prescription Drug Cancellation Injunction

Thank you for listening to this presentation and sharing it with others. Please stay tuned for future updates or visit New bills proposed during the 2024 legislative session will need our support. So far there is one bill SB349 proposed by Senator Mike McKay.

The following are the links and references mentioned in the slideshow.

Slide 3 and 4 – What is Senate Bill 946

Slide 9 – An Open Letter to Members of the General Assembly and the Governor Regarding Restoring Prescription Drug Benefits for Retired State Employees

Slide 13 – Use this link to find a Medicare Part D plan:

Slide 13 – How to navigate the Medicare Part D website:
How to Compare Your Prescription Drug Plan During Annual Enrollment on

How to do a 2024 Medicare Part D Analysis

Slide 14 – For your Maryland representatives

  • Under “find my representative” click “lookup”
  • Enter your address and zip code
  • Click “find”
  • Click the representatives’ names to find their email addresses and phone numbers

Slide 14 – For Governor Moore send an email by using this link:

Slide 16 – Reference Links
Roberts, J., Bachman, M., Clark, J., Kahn, W., Miller, K., Miller, T., Richkus, P., Wolfson, J., “An Open Letter to Members of the General Assembly and the Governor Regarding Restoring Prescription Drug Benefits for Retired State Employees.” Nov. 2023, Baltimore, MD.

Fitch v. State, Civil PJM 18-2817 (D. Md. Jun. 9, 2022) and Fitch v. Maryland, CIVIL 18-2817 PJM (D. Md. Jul. 20, 2023)
Department of Budget and Management Health Benefits. SB 946 Prescription Drug Coverage for State Retirees Eligible for a Prescription Drug Benefit Plan Under Medicare – DBM Update. January 4, 2024.

Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (BRFA) of 2011 (Chapter 397), Accessed January 7, 2024

SB946 (2019), Accessed January 7, 2024

Medicare & You 2024, The Official U.S. government Medicare handbook, Accessed January 9, 2024

Costs in the coverage gap, Accessed January 7, 2024

Issue Papers 2024, p. 35 – 37 Accessed January 14, 2024

SB946 (2019) Fiscal Policy Note, p 9 Accessed January 10, 2024

How Medicare Plans Use Pharmacies, Formularies, & Common Coverage Rules. August 2022,
Accessed January 9, 2024

An Overview of the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit, October 2023. Accessed January 9, 2024