Extended Features

This section includes longer versions of articles that needed to be abbreviated in the print version of the newsletter due to length constraints. It also includes supplemental material to the published articles.

UMBC Stories

This extended version of the newsletter article contains additional information about the lives of
Norman Reeves and Pete Rawlings. A portion of the letter cited in the article is also provided.

A Tribute to Two Diversifying Giants by Betty Glascoe (Spring 2024)

Copy of the first page of the letter sent in 1970 to Albin O. Kuhn by Norman V. A. Reeves and HowardPete Rawlings on behalf of the Black Caucus

Reeves, Norman V.A.; Rawlings, Howard P., “Letter from Norman V.A. Reeves and Howard Rawlings to Albin
Kuhn,” UMBC 50th, accessed April 1, 2024, https://umbc50.omeka.net/items/show/1470.